Our real time crisis support service helps you to overcome disruption
When the worst happens, we can be by your side to help you put your plans into action. A member of our team with extensive crisis management expertise will be deployed to work with your team to help them take control of the emergency response.
Our support will bring specialist expertise from a seasoned professional who will help you to calmly and confidently manage the process to move you from crisis response to normal business as soon as possible.
How we can support you
As soon as you let us know that an emergency situation has disrupted your organisation, we will work with you to carry out a rapid assessment of the crisis.
We will help you to assess the key steps needed to apply your pre-existing resilience plans to the specific circumstances you are facing. Our team will then be able to provide any specialist expertise you require which will be flexible and tailored to your requirements.
We can provide onsite or remote support anywhere in the world to help you manage the emergency response and to start assessing the longer-term impact of the event on your business.
Whatever crisis you are facing, we work with you to define the bespoke crisis support support you require. This may include:
Advisory support to help guide your team with any advice they need whilst they lead the crisis response.
Full or partial management of the immediate response by our team to fill in any gaps in organisational capacity or capability to manage a crisis of the nature you are facing.
Carrying out a rapid assessment of the wider impacts of the crisis to help you start planning for long term recovery.
Benefits of our real time crisis support services
Enhanced capability when you need it most – We can supplement any capability gaps in your team and bring industry leading expertise to help respond to immediate challenges and start identifying longer term impacts.
Improved team confidence – Our expertise will bring a calm and reassuring presence that will help instil confidence in your team that they have the support they need to take control of the crisis.
Financial savings – Specialist response support can help you to recommence revenue generating activity as quickly as possible after a disruptive shock
Want to discuss how we can help your organisation?
Get in touch with our friendly team for a no-obligation discussion and quote and when you are ready to proceed, we will take care of the rest. You can reach us on hello@blackdogcrisismanagement.co.uk or by sending us a message using the contact bubble on the bottom right of your screen.