Our risk assessment and health check services will help you identify the strengths and vulnerabilities in your organisation that could be impacted by a crisis


We can work with you to facilitate an assessment of your organisation to review its readiness to meet realistic future crises and disruptive challenges.

This will give you a powerful tool to help build and improve your organisation’s ability to minimize the level of disruption to your core services. Knowing where your business is at risk gives you the power to make it more resilient by building systems and processes that reduce your vulnerability.  

How we can support you

Our resilience health check process begins with a consultation with one of our business continuity experts who will quickly develop an understanding of your organisational priorities and ways of working.

We will help you to look at the resilience of your organisation across a range of themes including your current plans, premises, people, supply chains, physical records and digital information.

A tailored report will be produced that will relate to the critical functions of your organisation, identify where they might be vulnerable to disruption and set out prioritised recommendations to enable you to take action through business continuity planning.

Our resilience health checks are designed to fit into any stage of your regular business planning cycle (to be reviewed and updated as required on an ongoing basis), or to act as a standalone snapshot for your business.  

Our risk assessment service provides a comprehensive horizon scanning tool for your organisation, identifying and assessing what could affect you in the future, and how likely this is. Combining this with our health check empowers you to build the resilience of your organisation, safe in the knowledge that you are moving in the right direction.

Benefits of our risk assessment and health check services

  • Rapid identification of priorities – We will help you to identify your highest priorities for improvement action and provide clear recommendations for practical action to help reduce risk.  

  • Clear focus for your investment plans – The priorities we identify will help to inform your roadmap planning for financial investment into resilience building activity.

  • Improved basis for long-term planning – Once we have carried out the health check, our report will act as a baseline to plan and measure long term improvements to your emergency readiness as part of your wider business plan and strategy.  


Want to discuss how we can help your organisation?

Get in touch with our friendly team for a no-obligation discussion and quote and when you are ready to proceed, we will take care of the rest. You can reach us on hello@blackdogcrisismanagement.co.uk or by sending us a message using the contact bubble on the bottom right of your screen.